Addressing the protesters that filled the Presidency Mosque area, Jamaat-e-Islami chief Hafiz Naeemur Rehman claimed that his party has agreed on an eight-point contact with the government and the sit-in they planned to launch has been postponed.
In a press conference held in Islamabad with the leader of the protest Hafiz Naeemur Rehman clarified that the protest fulfilled its objectives but the sit-in has only been delayed not canceled.
The agreement also describes a 30-day review of electricity bills by the Committee with the representatives of the Government and JI members. Hafiz Naeemur Rehman further said that the party is providing time to the government about objections to high electricity bills and taxes in the disguise of fuel adjustments.
He expressed dissatisfaction with the current political status asserting that major current issues affecting the public domain are disregarded. Another individual, opining on the same government, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman, called for the government to fulfill the agreement so that people can find themselves burdened with less financial woes.
Earlier, JI issued a call for a string of protest events: protesters’ march to Islamabad from Liaquat Bagh where they had a sit-in for 12 days. They also were to stage a sit-in in Lahore on 11 August and in Peshawar on 12 August, after 14 August the whole country was to observe a shutdown.
Newscast at the Press conference, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said “We are seeking relief, not to pull down the government. Sunder demands must be addressed. ” He also recommended that sit in Lahore should be established in front of the Chief Minister House.