Acting under strict orders received from the Punjab Home Department headed by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the police authorities have been directed to bring down the crime rates throughout Punjab and to stop road dacoities immediately. She made her point during a special meeting meant to assess the performance of police officers that was convened on Thursday.
There are no two ways about the fact that the safety of roads and streets is a top priority, the chief minister stated further, before directing: “Reduce crime rate in any district at any cost. ” She scrutinized the KPIs to be used in evaluating police effectiveness and ordered all requisite steps to be made to secure passengers.
CM Maryam Nawaz also urged that operations should be launched across the province against the criminals with special reference to the prevention of dacoity cases and protecting the traders/shops. It means that staking along the roads across small and big cities is inadmissible for her, and she insisted on severe legal measures against the violators.
She threatened that any police officer found negligent to any dacoity or crime would be considered as having committed the same. She also underlined the need to shield the vulnerable adding; ‘ I have zero tolerance to child and women abuse and such acts should be prevented at the earliest.
Present at the meeting were Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, CS Zahid Akhtar Zaman, Home Secretary Noor-ul-Amin Mengal, IG Dr. Usman Anwar, and other high-level officials. The directions issued by the chief minister are expected to translate into vigorous action against the criminals in Punjab, and the spirit of ‘safety for all. ’