Pakistani former worldwide cricketer Shoaib Akhtar shocked his followers on social media by sharing captures from a meetup with Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor. Posting a photograph of a handshake between the 2 on X, Shoaib wrote, “Pretty assembly you Shahid Kapoor after a very long time. Hold doing wonders such as you did in Kabir Singh.”
The quick bowler additionally took to Instagram to share video captures of the second. Surrounded by curious fanatics, the 2 spent a while conversing with one another, although the interplay was muted by an overlay of a monitor from Shahid’s movie Kabir Singh.
Within the second video Shoaib shared, the unique audio was current. “Alright so, what do you perceive from my dialog with [Shahid Kapoor]. Inform me within the feedback,” he inspired his followers by means of the caption.
The video started with the 2 diving into an embrace, accompanied by former Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh. The three males spoke heartily and laughed throughout inaudible bits of the video, their volumes lowered by the noise within the neighborhood. Nevertheless, no obstacles impacted the sweetness of the second, and followers appeared to agree.
“Brother, I’ll at all times respect you,” an Indian fan knowledgeable Shoaib. Recalling the previous cricketer’s fond nickname (the Rawalpindi Specific), one consumer famous in admiration, “Shahid with the Specific!”
“You’re the actual satisfaction of our nation,” a consumer gushed. “He’s telling you that he’s your greatest fan,” one other one mused.
The hangout with Shahid has been however one of many many issues checked off the 49-year-old cricketer’s roster. At present serving because the ambassador of the DP World Worldwide League T20, Shoaib has been striding by means of worldwide occasions with confidence. In a current video uploaded to Instagram, he confirmed highlights from the meetup in Dubai.
“Dubai is my second dwelling and [the International League T20] may be very near my coronary heart,” he wrote.