World Hepatitis Day: Experts Urge Safe Practices and Greater Awareness to Combat Silent Killer

On the occasion of World Hepatitis Day, it is most significant and very important for health officers to carry the message to the general public emphasizing safe practices and enhancing the awareness level to save oneself from hepatitis, which is a deadly disease that takes its toll over many people across the globe every year.

Dr. Abdul Jabbar Bhutto Executive Director at Polyclinic was quoted as saying this, he said that all the global fronts for this cause are observed to promote efforts to address hepatitis this day. “Hepatitis is not beyond our control, it is actionable because we can prevent it, we can treat it,” Citing that through awareness, provision of screening, and supporting patients, the suffering is can be halted. As the theme of this year shows, “It’s Time for Action,” the call is made for action on the problem at the current time and with the cooperation of the public.

Converting to awareness World Hepatitis Day is celebrated every 28th of July; focuses on promoting awareness of Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E Blamed that people use the same needle and reuse needles for injections to spread hepatitis B and C and also the sharing of personal items such as razors, toothbrushes that may contain blood traces.

Dr. Ikram Tirmizi, a gastroenterologist, said that education leads to necessary behavioral changes that can help contain the risks. Currently, the WHO assists nations in tracking the process of hepatitis elimination with the help of Regional Validation Advisories.

Dr. Tirmizi also highlighted the fact that early detection and follow-ups are crucial interventions in a compilation of the management of liver diseases. So, the further enhancement of awareness and the development of healthy practices are the main tasks for disease prevention in remote areas.

Getting affordable treatment for hepatitis is a challenge that continues to affect most of Pakistan’s health institutions as highlighted by Dr. Enshal Ikram. Healthcare advocacy and combating stigma are among the most crucial factors of progress when it comes to the availability of care. Eliminating the culture of sharing razors and contaminated equipment are also an effective way of avoiding spread of hepatitis.