Royce White is one of those former NBA players; he currently intends to participate in the elections as a representative of the Republican Party in the US Senate in Minnesota. Controversial off the court, his basketball career included mental caregiving concerns such as anxiety and claustrophobia which restricted his playing ability in the NBA to only three matches. Currently 33, White has moved to politics and recently clipped the Minnesota Republican primary and will be vying for the seat held by Incumbent Democrat Amy Klobuchar.
White’s campaign has rather aggressive slogans, and there are the following issues discussed about him: anti-Semitism, pro-fascist and conspiracy movements, and child-support debt limitations. Nevertheless, he has been backed by the Minnesota Republican Party, as well as neo-Confederate and White nationalist factions. White, who was involved in the events following the murder of George Floyd and played in the Big3 basketball league, stands for the expansion of the Republican Party and, despite striving for it, he has minor chances to defeat Klobuchar at the moment.