Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif is all set to start the “Chief Minister’s Children’s Heart Surgery Programme” to ensure quality cardiac treatment for children. This program will put in place an integrated system of care in pediatric heart surgeries for children including hiring of qualified child cardiac surgeons.
At a meeting, realized at the Department of Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education chaired by The Provincial Health Minister, Khawaja Salman Rafique the details of the program were discussed. He was optimistic that the program would be effective in being used as a reference to other provinces. Key performance indicators will be monitored by an online monitoring dashboard to be made operational by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB). The purpose is to fairly augment the services of pediatric heart surgery and reflect on the protocols, and the course of delivery in children’s hospitals in Punjab.
Khawaja Salman Rafique emphasized the part of the humanity of the program, where if there is one child that the program will save, then it will serve its purpose.
It was attended by Secretary Health Punjab Azmat Mehmood Khan, Additional Secretary Development Dr. Waheed Asghar Bhatti and others involve Professor Farqad Alamgir, Professor Masood Sadiq, Dr. Ali Razzaq, and others.
There are congenital heart diseases and there are those occasioned by infections, and genetic factors among others among children. But doctors also are saying that if a child with a heart ailment gets proper and adequate treatment, she or he can lead a normal and healthy life.